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Urology Specialist Operator. Dr. Serhat Donmezer

Urology Specialist Operator. Dr. Serhat Dönmezer has carried out many successful operations from past to present. In addition to successful operations, the Operator has been working as an expert in the field of urology for more than 20 years. Dr. Serhat Dönmezer has taken part in many works, publications and congresses.

Operator who continues his duty during his own examination. Dr. Serhat Dönmezer worked as a urologist in Okmeydanı, İzmit Region, Medipol, Medical Park and Şifa Hospitals respectively. Operator. Dr. As a specialist, Serhat Dönmezer has always helped patients to be happy, thanks to the successful surgeries and treatments he has performed for more than 20 years.

Operator. Dr. Serhat Dönmezer In the field of urology, he provides patients with prostate cancer, prostate enlargement, prostatitis, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, kidney ureter stone, testicular cancer, urethral stenosis, sexual reluctance, penis curvature, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, undescended testicle, varicocele, hydrocele and infertility. provides the best service. 

About me
1 +
Over 20 Years of Experience
Thousands of Successful Operations
1 +
International Publications, Works and Congresses

Surgeon Serhat Donmezer

Other informations

primary educationKurtuluş Primary School, Eskişehir1972-1977
secondary educationEskişehir Anatolian High School, Eskişehir1977-1984
higher educationAnadolu University Faculty of Medicine, Eskişehir1984-1991
Medical Specialization, UrologySSK. Okmeydani. Eg. Hast, Istanbul1995-1999


Job TitleDuty StationYear
General practitionerAğrı State Hospital, Ağrı1991-1992
General practitionerContinuing Health Unit, Eskişehir1992-1993
General practitionerMahmutbey Health Center, Istanbul1993-1994
Urology Res. See.SSK. Okmeydanı Training Hospital, Istanbul1995-1999
Urology SpecialistSSK. Okmeydanı Training Hospital, Istanbul1999-2000
Urology SpecialistSSK Izmit Regional Hospital2000-2004
Urology SpecialistMedipol Hospital, Istanbul2004-2008
Urology SpecialistMedicalpark Göztepe Hospital, Istanbul2008-2015
Urology SpecialistPrivate Pendik Şifa Hospital2015-2021


The Role of Rigiscan in the Etiological Differential Diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction.


  1. Urology Clinic Chief: Assoc. Dr. Tahir Karadeniz        

Foreign language: English, December 1998 KPDS 78, September 2013 YDS 66,250

Turkish Urology Association

Turkish Endourology Association

Turkish Urooncology Association

Turkish Andrology Association

  1. Articles Published in International Refereed Journals:

A1. M. Topsakal, T. Karadeniz, M. Anaç, S. Dönmezer, A. Beside Assessment of Fibrin-Fibrinogen Degradation Products (Accu-Dx) Test in Bladder Cancer Patients:  European Urology,39: 287-291; 2001

A2. Yakupoglu YK, Donmezer S., Mestci B, Saglam R, Simsek US. Successful treatment of BPH over 100 ml with KTP laser. J Urol 2006 May;175(4 suppl.):463 abstract 1522

  1. Presented at International Scientific Meetings and in Proceedings (Proceedings) Printed Papers:

B1. Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, Serhat Donmezer, Mustafa Anaç. The role of Color Doppler Sonography in Predicting Iatrogenic Priapism when Evaluating Erectile Dysfunction. 2nd Meeting Of Society For Impotence And Research (ESIR ) (October 1- 4; 1997, Madrid, Spain

B2. M. Topsakal, T. Karadeniz, M. Anaç, S. Dönmezer, A. Beside Assessment of Fibrin-Fibrinogen Degradation Products (Accu-Dx) Test in Bladder Cancer Patients: XVth Congress of the European Association of Urology, April 12-15 2000, Brussels, Belgium  

B3. Yakupoglu YK, Donmezer S, Mestçi B, Sağlam R, Şimşek ÜS. Successful treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) over 100 ml with KTP laser. AUA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 2006.

B4. Donmezer S. BPH Treatment with Laser.  Sfax, Tunisia, 2011         

B5. Donmezer S. BPH Treatment with Laser.  Beijing, China, 2011        

  1. Written books or chapters in books

C1. International: None

C2. National: (Book Section)

C2.1. Serhat Dönmezer, Ali Erol. Prescription 2012-2013 Practical prescription guide. Department of Urology. Editor: Expert. Dr. Yavuz Furuncuoğlu, Publisher: Güneş Tip Kitabevi, 2012 ( ISBN: 978-975- 27741-2-4 ) D -Articles Published in National Refereed Journals 

D1. Medih Topsakal, Tahir Karadeniz, Serhat Donmezer, Mustafa Anaç.
Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis: diagnosis and treatment in 23 cases
Urology Bulletin,9 (1) :53-56,1998..     

D2. Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, Serhat Donmezer, Dogan Basak
Reliability of BARD BTA Test in the Diagnosis of Bladder Cancer
Urology Bulletin, 9 ( 1 ): 7-10,1998.

D3. Medih Topsakal, Tahir Karadeniz, Serhat Dönmezer.  Polyarteritis Nodosa: A cause of spontaneous perineal hematoma: Medical Bulletin of İstanbul Medical Faculty, 33:1,2000

D6. Tahir Karadeniz, Ahmet Beşışık, Medih Topsakal, Cüneyd Sevinç, Serhat Dönmezer. The Role of Transitional Zone Index and Longitudinal Diameter Index in Determining Obstruction in Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. Turkish Journal of Urology, 26(2); 225-229, 2000

D7. Tahir Karadeniz, Serhat Donmezer. Use of Sildenafil Citrate After Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy Andrology Bulletin,issue 3;January 2000 (Compilation).

D8. M. Topsakal, T. Karadeniz, S. Dönmezer, M. Anaç. The Value of Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Methods in the Staging of Bladder Tumors, Turkish Journal of Urology, 26(2);189-192, 2000

D9. Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, Serhat Donmezer,Mustafa Anaç,Cüneyd Sevinç. Our Reconstructive Surgery Results in Posterior Urethra Strictures.
Turkish Journal of Urology, 28(1);95-98, 2002

D10. Dr. Ali Erol, Dr. Serhat Donmezer, dr. Erem Kaan Başok, Will lasers replace transurethral resection in the surgical treatment of BPH?  Urooncology Bulletin,  Volume: 12, Issue: 4, 255, December 2013

D11. Dr. Serhat Donmezer, dr. Erem Kaan Başok, Dr. Ali Erol, Epidemiology, Etiology and Risk Factors in Prostate Cancer, Cancer agenda Vol: 1/2 ISSN: 2147-6160

April 2013

D12. Ali Erol, Sarp Korcan Keskin, Erem Kaan Basok, Serhat Donmezer

“Diode 980 nm Laser Vaporesection of the Prostate: A Comparison of 150 to 250 Watt/Prostate Vaporesection with Diode 980 nm Laser: A Comparison of 150 and 250 Watt.” Journal of Urological Surgery, , p. 83+. vol. 5, no. 2, 201 

  1. Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published in proceedings:

E1. Donmezer S, Arıman A, Karadeniz T, Beksan M, Anaç M. Efficacy of pefloxacin in uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections: Ankem magazine (No:2), 1996

E2. Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, Serhat Donmezer, Doğan Başak Reliability of Bard BTA test in the diagnosis of bladder cancer:14th National Urology Congress   20-23 October 1996 – Marmaris

E3. Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, Serhat Donmezer, Mustafa Anaç. The role of color doppler sonography in predicting iatrogenic priapism when evaluating erectile dysfunction:14th National Urology Congress   20-23 October 1996 – Marmaris

E4. Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, Serhat Donmezer,Mustafa Anaç,Cüneyd Sevinç Our reconstructive surgery results in posterior urethral strictures: 15th national urology congress, 25-29 October 1998, Antalya

E5. Ahmet Beşışık, Serhat Donmezer, Cüneyd Sevinç, Tahir Karadeniz Evaluation of Nocturnal Penile Tumors and Rigidity in Paraplegic Patients 16th national urology congress 8-12 October, 2000, Izmir

E6. Tahir Karadeniz, Ahmet Beşışık, Medih Topsakal, Serhat Donmezer, Osman Kılınç. Upper urinary tract recurrence after radical cystectomy: analysis of 103 patients. 16th national urology congress 8-12 October, 2000, Izmir

E7. Yakupoglu YK, Donmezer S, Mestçi B, Sağlam R, Şimşek ÜS. Successful treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) cases with prostate volume over 100 ml with potassium–titanium-phosphate (KTP) laser, 6th National Endourology Congress, 3 December 2000, Istanbul

E8. Serhat Donmezer Diode laser applications: Private Sector Urology Physicians Association, 21 January 21, 2012 Istanbul

F1. Translations

F1. Serhat Dönmezer, Remzi Sağlam: Glenn's Urologic Surgery 6th Edition, Ch: 45; Glenn Urological Surgery, sixth edition, Chapter 45; Female urethra Diverticula, pages 369-375;2006

F2. Serhat Dönmezer, Remzi Sağlam: Glenn's Urologic Surgery 6th Edition Ch:46; Glenn Urological Surgery, Sixth edition, Chapter 46; Bladder Neck Closure in Men and Women, pages 376-384;2006

F2. Citations:

F2.1. M Topbeard,T Black Sea, M Anac, S. Dönmezer. Assessment of Fibrin–Fibrinogen Degradation Products (Accu–Dx) Test in Bladder Cancer Patients
European Urology, 2000
F2.2. Yakupoglu YK; Donmezer S.; Mestci B; et al.Successful treatment of BPH over 100 ml with KTP laser. Annual Meeting of the American-Urological-Association   Atlanta, GA   MAY 20-25, 2006  Amer Urologist Assoc
Source: JOURNAL OF UROLOGY   Volume: 175  Issue: 4  Supplement: S  Pages: 491-491  Meeting Abstract: 1522  Published: APR 2006  

F2.3. Medih Topsakal, Tahir Karadeniz, Serhat Donmezer, Mustafa Anaç.
Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis: diagnosis and treatment in 23 cases
Urology Bulletin,9 (1) :53-56,1998

F2.4. Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, Serhat Donmezer, Dogan Basak
Reliability of BARD BTA Test in the Diagnosis of Bladder Cancer
Urology Bulletin, 9 ( 1 ): 7-10,1998.

About me About me

F3.1. BPH Treatment with Laser.  June 14, 2011, Sfax, Tunisia,

F3.2. BPH Treatment with Laser. 29 July, 2011, Beijing, China

F3.3. Laser in the treatment of BPH. Private Sector Urology Physicians Association 1st Meeting, 21 January, 2012, Istanbul

F4.1. KTP training operations performed as an instructor :

F4.1.1. Istanbul Medipol Hospital, 2004-2008  

F4.1.2. American Day Hospital, October 23-26, 2006 Tehran, Iran

F4.2. Diode Laser (LIFE) training operations performed as an instructor :

F4.2.1. Sfax Private Hospital, 14-15 June, 2011, Sfax, Tunisia

F4.2.2. General Hospital of Air Force, 29-30 July, 2011, Beijing, China

F4.2.3. Hopital St. Louis, 8-9 December, 2011, Paris, France

F4.2.4. Medicalpark Göztepe, 21 January, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey

F4.2.5. Hopital St. Louis, 1-2 March, 2012, Paris, France

F4.2.6. Nanjing State Hospital, 4-6 May, 2012, Nanjing, China

F4.2.7. Constantin State Hospital, 11-13 May, 2012, Constantin, Algeria

F4.2.8. Hopital St. Come, 11-12, June,2012, Compiégn, France

F4.2.9. Medicalpark Göztepe Hospital: 14 international hospitalsorkshop, 2008-2012

F4.2.10. CHU de Nantes, 11-12 November, 2012, Nantes, France

G1. Turkish Urology Qualification Board Certificate

G2. KTP Laser certificate, 2004

G3. Cryotherapy training, Norwest Krankenhaus, Frankfurt, 2005

G4 Hands-on Training Course on Laparoscopic and Robotic Urological Surgery,2013

H1. 11th Antibiotic and Chemotherapy Congress, 2-6 June 1996, Kuşadası

H2. III. Foundation Gureba Medical Congress, 3-6 December 1996, Istanbul

H3. I. National Prostate Diseases Symposium, 1-3 May 1997, Ankara

H4. Clinical Study and Conduct Course, 16 April 1998, Istanbul

H5. I. Continent Urinary Diversion Course, 1-3 May 1998, Istanbul

H6. 3rd National Endourology Congress, 14-16 May 1998, Edirne

H7. 15th National Urology Congress, 25-29 October 1998, Antalya

H8. Reconstructive Urology Course, 26 October 1998, Antalya

H9. 1st National Urinary Incontinence and Urinary Excretion Disorder Symposium, 6-7 May 1999, Ankara

H10. AUA 1999, 94th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association,

1-6 May, Dallas Texas-USA

H10.1. Courses: Prostate Brachiotherapy, 3 May 1999

H10.2. Courses: Voiding Dysfunction in Children, 4 May 1999

H10.3. Courses: Contamrary Management of Bladder Carcinoma, 5 May 1999

H11. 4. Ankara & 1. ESU Blacksea Uro- Oncology Course, 30 September - 3 October 1999, Antalya

H12. XV th Congress of the European Association of Urology, April 12-15 Brussels,

H13. Cryotherapy Course and Certificate, Krankenhaus Nordwest, 23.March 2005, Frankfurt,

H14. 17th National Urology Congress, 5-10 October 2002, Antalya

H15. Prostate Cancer Meeting, April, 2004, Ankara

H16. How to Prepare a Research Protocol, 18 October 2006, Istanbul

H17. 4th Percutaneous Renal Surgery Course, 20-21 October 2006, Ankara

H18. 8th Ankara Urooncology Course, 28 November – 2 December 2007, Ankara

H19. Endoscopic BPH & Stone Treatment, 9-11 October, 2008, Istanbul

H20. AUA 2009 Annual Meeting, 25-30 April, 2009, Chicago

H21. AUA 2010 Annual Meeting, 29 May – 03 June, 2010, San Francisco

H22. Private Sector Urology Physicians Association 1st Meeting, 21 January, 2012, Istanbul

H23. 23rd Applied advanced Laparoscopic Urology Course, 31 May-1 June,2013



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