Body secretions transmitted from person to person through vaginal, anal and oral sex during unprotected sexual intercourse sexual diseases is formed. It can be defined not only in sexual relations but also in many issues such as blood and blood product transfusion or transmission from mother to baby at birth.
The time it takes for symptoms to appear depends on various factors. It varies depending on where it is transmitted, the type of virus and the intensity of the disease. At the same time, the level of symptoms experienced varies depending on the functioning and strength of the person's immune system.
Treatment of the disease varies depending on the person and the mode of transmission. At the same time, early diagnosis is very important. If people experience any symptoms that cause even the slightest suspicion, they should consult a urologist. The aim is to achieve recovery through a comprehensive treatment plan. In this way, the possibility of transmitting the disease to other people is prevented.
What are Sexual Diseases?
It occurs due to sperm, vaginal discharge and various factors. Diseases that occur as a result of sexual intercourse and inflammation are among the most well-known ones. Exceptionally occurring diseases caused by blood and blood materials are also known. In some cases, the baby is seen after birth. sexual diseases also available.
The most effective method to protect against sexual diseases is to be protected while having intercourse. There are sexually transmitted diseases that cannot be protected even if a condom is used. 30 or more viruses identified to date are transmitted by bacteria.
Some of the sexually transmitted diseases for which people frequently apply to health institutions are as follows:
Hepatitis B: It can be transmitted through urine, blood and many other body fluids. Precautions against hepatitis B can be taken at an early stage by getting vaccinated. Symptoms may include loss of appetite, fatigue, fever and vomiting. When it reaches serious levels, disruptions in liver functions may occur. If it is not diagnosed early, liver transfer can replace drug treatment.
Gonorrhea: Sexual intercourse can be seen in the following week. It is a disease also known as Gonorrhea that causes problems in the urinary tract. There is discharge and burning during urination. Recovery is achieved with drug treatment. Symptoms include fever, discharge and pain in the testicles.
Syphilis: It is a type of sexual disorder frequently seen among patients. It is a disease also known as syphilis and has four stages. The first stage is the period when symptoms begin to appear. In the second stage, in addition to physical findings, fatigue, pain and itching are experienced. This is the time when contagion is at its highest. In the third and fourth stages, there are no symptoms. However, it can cause liver, heart and bone diseases. In cases where it is diagnosed in the early stages, treatment can yield results within a few months.
Chlamydia Infection: It is a bacterial disease that is transmitted sexually. Redness, itching and discharge may occur in the genital area. At the same time, burning sensation during urination and increased frequency of urination are also among the symptoms.
- microplasma syndrome,ysoft boil, donovanosis, udick and sSpindles are other examples of sexually transmitted diseases.
- HIV: Patients experience symptoms such as fever, skin rash, sore throat and lymphoma. It is known that if the treatment process is not started, it reaches increasingly dangerous levels.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms that vary from person to person may be encountered. It varies depending on the form and type of formation. However, symptoms are most likely due to genital and anal sex. As a result of oral intercourse sexual diseases may occur.
The most common symptoms include the formation of a fluid-filled sac, urination with pain and burning sensation, and discharge from the genital area. Nausea and diarrhea are also among the subsequent symptoms.
Symptoms such as frequent desire to urinate or small amounts may be observed. Pain may be experienced during sexual intercourse. In addition, sudden sweating and feeling of heat are symptoms of sexual disorders.
The duration of symptoms to appear varies. In some patients, it may manifest itself within a few days after sexual intercourse. However, some people experience symptoms after 2 to 3 months.
One of the issues that patients are curious about is which specialty to consult after the symptoms are understood. The opinion of a physician who specializes in urology, or in other words, the treatment of sexual disorders, should be sought. In this regard, a treatment plan appropriate to the person's needs is created.
Sexual Hastalarks How is it transmitted?
Sexual diseases can be transmitted during blood transfer between people. It is known that the disease found in the mother during pregnancy is also seen in the baby. Many discomforts can occur, especially through sexual intercourse. All body secretions in the person, blood and saliva are among the types of transmission of diseases.
Problems that threaten sexual health are also seen in women and men. Sexual diseases transmitted to men can be listed as herpes, HPV, HIV and hepatitis B. Usually men are the ones carrying the possible inflammation. However, unlike women, men show more symptoms. Therefore, it has advantages in terms of early treatment.
Various viruses can be passed from person to person through genital, anal and oral routes. Just as the symptoms will differ in this sense, treatment methods will also vary. During the treatment phase, the aim is for the patient to continue his sexual functions in a healthy way as he recovers. It is very important for both men and women to start treatment before reaching advanced levels.
What are the Ways of Protection?
The best known way to prevent sexual diseases is to protect yourself during sexual intercourse. Especially people who do not have a single partner should use condoms before any sexual contact. However, it is necessary to be examined by a urologist at certain intervals.
such as HPV, HIV and hepatitis sexual diseasesis checked by blood test and urological examination. Thanks to developing medical facilities, precautions can be taken against hepatitis B and HPV diseases through vaccination.
Similarly, women should not neglect regular gynecological examinations. This way, partners can be prevented from transmitting viruses or bacteria to each other through sexual contact.
Relationships with people you do not know while traveling carry a great risk of sexual diseases. For this reason, monogamy is one of the safe methods to protect against sexual diseases. If you feel that you have contracted any disease, you should definitely consult a health institution.
Sexual Diseases and Treatment Methods
When it comes to the treatment phase, it varies depending on the severity and type of symptoms. The treatment process planned by a specialist physician is very important in many aspects. After the necessary diagnosis is made, recovery is possible with medication.
As with every disease, it must be diagnosed at an early stage. Otherwise, the possibility of transmission to third parties is quite high. It negatively affects the patient's living standards. It is observed that sexual functional disorders occur. At advanced levels, situations may occur that endanger the health of individuals.
sexual diseasesOnce the factors causing the disease are diagnosed, it is determined whether it can be treated with medication or not. Since most people with sexually transmitted diseases are asymptomatic, these people are not aware of the disease and therefore do not receive treatment. It is also transmitted to the person with whom it has sexual intercourse. Therefore, it is recommended that the person receive treatment together with his/her partner.