Genital aesthetics in men has been developing positively in recent years. It is noted that penis thickness positively affects sexual satisfaction. penis enlargement The surgery should be performed by urologists who are familiar with the anatomy, physiology and functional disorders of the region. Nowadays, there are positive and satisfactory developments in sexual health with new generation surgical methods.
The genital structures of men differ depending on hereditary factors and anatomical features. A surgical intervention plan is created with the examination performed by the urologist. Surgery is a surgical operation performed on people whose penis length is below a certain size or on men who are not satisfied with their penis length.
How to Enlarge Penis?
The penis consists of three different parts: glans (head of the penis), corpus cavernosa (structures involved in the erection of the penis) and urethra (urinary duct). Depending on developmental reasons, it can appear in different lengths and forms. Generally penis enlargement The surgery process is discussed under two headings: penis lengthening and thickening.
A preliminary examination is carried out by a specialist in the field of urology. Conditions that negatively affect a person's sexual health are diagnosed. Then, the patient's suitability for aesthetic intervention must be confirmed by his doctor. In penis thickening surgery, procedures are performed under general or local anesthesia. Necessary procedures are applied in line with the person's wishes and needs. Penis lengthening can only be done with general anesthesia.
Which Methods Are Used?
Temelde iki farklı cerrahi yönteme başvurulur. Hangi teknik sonucunda etkili sonuç alınacağına üroloji uzmanlığı çerçevesinde belirlenir. Penis bir tendonla simfisiz kemiğine bağlıdır. Bu bağ %80 oranında kesilir ve böylelikle penis boyunda 1.5-4cm değişiklik gözlemlenir. Bu işlemden önce batın bölgesinden alınan yağ için inceltme işlemi uygulanır. Daha sonra bu inceltilmiş yağ, mevcut genital yapının anatomik özellikleri ve görünümüne göre enjekte edilir.
As a result of environmental reasons and genetic factors, some differences are observed in genital structures. Bruising, swelling, curvature and some deformities in the appearance of the penis are noted. The methods used within the scope of penis enlargement treatment are listed as follows;
Penis Enlargement Operation
Penis Extension
Penis Curvature Correction
Penis Thickening
After Penis Enlargement Surgery
There are some points that patients should pay attention to after the surgery. It is recommended to stay away from activities that require physical strength. The first weeks are very important to prevent damage to muscles and tissues. Factors such as the effect of the application on the person and its permanence come to the fore.
It is very important to do certain exercises for the first 3 months after penis lengthening surgery and to drink fluids as recommended after filler and thickening surgery. Products that cause edema should not be consumed. It is recommended to stay away from smoking and alcohol. In order to get the desired effect from the procedures, you need to take into account your doctor's warnings.
Additionally, clothing that will squeeze the operation area should be avoided during the day. It has become a prominent application in the field of genital aesthetics due to the advantages it provides to patients. Effective results are achieved thanks to new generation surgical methods. It is very important that the process progresses under the control of a competent and experienced specialist physician. penis enlargement You can contact us for your questions and detailed information about the surgery.