Urethra is the channel that allows us to expel urine from the bladder. urethral stricture It causes urine to accumulate in the bladder as a result of the urine in the bladder not being able to be expelled easily. It is a disease that can be seen at any age. Stenosis occurs as a result of injury or damage to the tissues surrounding the urethra.
Structurally, the urethra starts from the bladder and carries out the excretion of urine from the person's body. It is located above the vagina in women. Due to anatomical differences, it has a longer tube shape in men.
Formal problems in the structure of the urethra are encountered more frequently in men than in women. It may also occur as a result of traffic accidents and events that cause trauma to the body. In addition, some injuries occur after catheter use due to urinary problems and after prostate and bladder cancer surgeries.
Symptoms of urethral stricture are as follows. You may experience a constant feeling of urinary urgency, pain while urinating, and less urine flow. Sometimes there are congenital factors seen in the patient. Structurally, a longer than average urethra can lead to various health problems. People should see a urologist when they observe or suspect these and similar conditions.
What is Urethral Stenosis?
Urine goes out of the body thanks to the structure called urethra. Most of the time, it is of a certain width to ensure the required functioning. Some patients may experience health problems in their urinary tract due to urethral stenosis.
Formal problems in the bladder structure may occur due to old age, infection and various diseases. It is a condition that may be encountered as a result of the application of radiotherapy and similar techniques during prostate cancer treatment. Damage to the urinary tract structure occurs due to edema formation and various surgical interventions.
At the same time, factors such as inflammation and exposure to trauma also negatively affect it. It is a condition more common in men than in women. Male patients, on average 55 years of age and above, therefore prefer urology specialization. is applying.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms of the disease, which is known as difficulty in urine flow from the bladder, vary from person to person. urethral stricture Therefore, urine flow and volume are damaged. It is observed that people do not urinate in a single direction. There may be difficulty in passing urine due to the narrowness of the urethra. Additionally, a sudden feeling of tightness is among the symptoms observed.
Patients experiencing symptoms should consult a specialist physician as soon as possible. The problem of urethral narrowing, which reaches serious levels, can lead to diseases such as kidney failure. In this context, cystitis, that is, urinary tract infection and prostate disorders, are also seen. In some people, edema may occur in the penis, depending on the extent of the disease.
The bladder cannot be felt completely emptied. Intermittent urination, burning and pain are consecutive symptoms. Patients with urethral stenosis experience urinary incontinence during the day. It may continue in the form of drops after eliminating the need to urinate. Its intensity decreases compared to normal and it comes out thinly. In advanced stages of the disease, dark colored urine or blood may be observed.
What Causes Stenosis of the Urethral?
The structure of the urethra in men is different due to anatomical reasons. Thus, it is more exposed to external factors. The causes of the disease can be explained under four different headings. It is affected by various factors such as iatrogenic, idiopathic, inflammatory and traumatic causes.
As a result of the treatment of disorders targeting the urethra area, some problems may occur in the urinary tract. Precautions should be taken against this condition, called iatrogenic urethral stenosis, by specialist physicians before the application. In general terms, it can be seen depending on the applications aimed at treating urinary tract disorders. Endoscopic and cystoscopic techniques are used to examine the bladder in detail. As a result of the examination processes, urethral stenosis may be mentioned.
Secondly, the development of the urethra may be damaged as a result of infection or inflammation. Bladder problems can also occur as a result of many diseases. Whether it is long-term or temporary is a condition that varies from person to person. Some conditions on the prostate cause various problems in the urinary tract. Sexually transmitted diseases can also occur within the scope of cancer treatments. In addition, skin disorders experienced by women can negatively affect the genital area.
Narrowing of the urethra is diagnosed due to some accidents and trauma. It may occur with various symptoms after the person's treatment ends. Fracture of the hip joint and trauma targeting the genital area may also cause factors that trigger urethral stenosis. It has been observed that the recovery period is longer than other types. There are some symptoms such as difficulty while urinating.
Finally, in idiopathic urethral stenosis, conditions of unknown cause are observed. The cause of the problems affecting daily life cannot be determined by comprehensive diagnostic methods performed within the scope of urology specialization.
Urethral Stenosis and Sexuality
After the operation, some problems may occur in the patient's sexual life. urethral strictureIt is a disorder that targets a person's urinary tract. It can be treated with surgical methods. It is possible to encounter erectile dysfunction in some people. It is defined as damage to the nervous system that provides the necessary stimulation during sexual intercourse.
It is also known as erectile dysfunction and causes some psychological problems in men. It may be a temporary condition in some patients. However, it is also seen as a result of treatment for urethral narrowing. The experience and competence of the specialist physician who performs the procedures during the surgery is also very important.
The person's age and sexual health before the operation are factors that affect the healing process. It is known that men in the younger age group are less affected. At the same time, the size and severity of the stenosis diagnosed in the urinary tract causes patients to experience erectile dysfunction.
Treatment Methods
A preliminary examination of the person is performed within the framework of the urology specialty. First, it is followed systematically to understand the severity of the disease before any action is taken. However, in severe urethral stenosis, a device called a catheter is placed in the patient's lower abdomen. In this way, urine flows to the kidneys.
Various equipment is used to perform a comprehensive examination. Diagnosis is made using endoscopic methods and radiological imaging systems. The current narrowing and other complaints of the patient are diagnosed by entering the tip of the penis with a camera. urethral stricture In order to prevent bigger problems that may occur as a result of the bladder filling with urine, a urinary catheter or catheter is urgently inserted into the person and the emergency situation is resolved by emptying the bladder.
Surgical procedures can be applied to the person to solve the problem of stenosis of the urethra. If it is not diagnosed at an early stage, it causes diseases that are more risky for human health. Open or closed surgical methods are preferred depending on the extent of the person's urinary tract disease.
One of the most common surgical procedures is the widening of the urethra called urethrotomy. Closed surgical methods, also known as endoscopic techniques, are used. This process is performed with camera devices and the existing stenosis is widened by cutting with a knife or laser.
The dilation method is used to widen the urethra with a catheter-like instrument. This process may need to be repeated periodically. Bleeding and infection may occur during this procedure. The risk of recurrence of stenosis is very high after this procedure. With the urethroplasty method, the narrow part is removed through open surgery. In this procedure, the risk of recurrence of the stenosis is less. It is generally preferred in people with urethral stenosis that does not improve.