Topic Summary: The condition in which the testicles, the male reproductive organ responsible for sperm production and secretion of sex hormones, cannot reach where they should be. undescended testicle It is defined as (cryptorchidism).
It is possible to encounter this condition in 1 in every 100 newborn babies. The disease, which requires early intervention, can cause many serious health problems, from infertility to cancer, if left untreated. In babies undescended testicle symptoms If noticed, a physician should be consulted.
What is Undescended Testicle?
As the baby develops in the womb, the testicles move downwards. Shortly after birth, the testicles pass into the inguinal canal (scrotum) and reach the bag. Undescended testicle occurs when the testicles cannot reach the bag as a result of the disruption that occurs while the testicles reach the bag.
Having the testicles in their normal place in the scrotum is very important for healthy testicular development, hormone and sperm production. Cryptorchidism, which occurs when one or both testicles are not in the scrotum when the baby is born, has a prevalence rate of around in premature babies and %3–%5 in full-term male babies.
Urology Specialist Op. Dr. Serhat Dönmezer Warns About Undescended Testicles
The testicles, which are two oval organs with an average length of 5 cm in adults, are located in a skin bag called the scrotum behind the abdominal area and the penis. The testicles start making sperm cells used for reproduction at puberty and continue this state throughout life. The testicles complete their development within the first two months of pregnancy. The baby's testicles pass through the inguinal canal in the 7th month of the mother's womb and descend into the bags near birth. If this journey does not occur, cryptorchidism, or undescended testicle as it is commonly known, occurs.
Urology Specialist Op., who has performed numerous successful operations with his experience of more than 20 years. Dr. Serhat Dönmezer warns parents about cryptorchidism. By detecting the disease early, without wasting time, undescended testicle treatment should be done. For this reason, families should definitely check whether the testicles are in place from birth. If one or both testicles are missing or if the family has any doubts about this, a doctor should be consulted.
What are the Causes of Undescended Testicles?
As a result of disruptions in the descent of the testicle in the womb, the testicle may remain at any point along the descent path. In %3 – 4 of the babies, the testicle is not displaced at birth. In these patients, the testicles usually descend before the end of 3 months. There are various reasons why the testicles do not descend into place.
In some cases, the testicle may never have formed in the womb or may have disappeared due to vascular occlusion after formation. This condition can be called testicular absence. Undescended testicle may also occur if the testicle was previously present but testicular lysis occurs as a result of various vascular occlusion, injury, or trauma. Cryptorchidism may occur as a result of not finding a testicle within the scrotum or inguinal canal upon examination, or as a result of the presence of a testicle in the canal. Additionally, cryptorchidism occurs as a result of the testicle being located at a different location than its normal descent point. The situation where the testicle temporarily reflexively pulls out of the bag as a result of contraction is known as shy testicle. This situation does not cause any problems in the children's future lives.
Undescended Testicle Symptoms
In male babies in the womb, the testicles begin to slowly descend as of the 28th week. However, cryptorchidism occurs due to internal disorders, hormonal effects and genetic disorders arising from the testicle itself. Showing various symptoms undescended testicle symptoms The most important symptom is that the problematic side is less developed and appears smaller. In some cases, severe groin pain is also a symptom of cryptorchidism. If the disease is noticed, a doctor must be consulted and the appropriate treatment method must be decided.
Who gets undescended testicles?
Cryptorchidism is more common in premature babies born before completing the normal period in the womb. In % 4.3 of normal born babies, the testicle is not present. By the time babies reach the age of 1, undescended testicles are seen only in % 0.96. The disease must be detected at an early stage so that it does not cause other illnesses, and a doctor must be consulted.
What are the Risks of Undescended Testicles?
If the disease is not treated, serious problems may occur. Among these risks, problems such as infertility due to disruption of hormone and sperm production, high probability of testicular cancer, loss of testicle due to impaired blood supply to the testicle, formation of inguinal hernia, psychological problems due to the testicle not being in the sac, and exposure to trauma to the remaining testicle may occur.
How to Diagnose Undescended Testis?
During the examination of the newborn baby, the testicles should definitely be examined. If it is noticed that the testicle is missing unilaterally or bilaterally after birth, an examination is performed by the physician. The location of the testicle is tried to be determined by touching it with the hand. In cases where this examination method is not sufficient, the laparoscopic method is preferred.
With the laparoscopic method, a small incision is made on the patient's abdomen. The location of the undescended testicle is determined using a tube with a camera at the end of this incision. The advantage of this method is that the doctor can lower the testicle into its place, which is located during this procedure. Therefore, this method is applied as both a diagnostic and treatment method. However, in some cases, this method may not be sufficient to lower the testicle. Imaging methods such as x-ray and ultrasound are also used to visualize cryptorchidism.
Undescended Testicle Treatment
In babies with undescended testicles, the testicles may descend spontaneously up to 3-6 months. However, if cryptorchidism is found in babies older than 6 months, treatment is required. Leaving the disease untreated for a long time may invite other health problems. Therefore undescended testicle treatment It is recommended that testicular surgery be performed on babies before the age of 18 months. applied to the patient undescended testicle Laparoscopic or open surgical methods are used in the surgery. The success rate of the treatment applied in cases where only one testicle does not descend is quite high.
Another treatment method applied to the patient is hormone therapy. In this treatment method, external hormones are administered to the undescended testicle, aiming to cause it to descend instead. HCG hormone is given to the patient by injection. The success rate of this treatment method is lower than surgical treatment. For this reason, surgical intervention is often preferred in the treatment of the disease.
What Should Be Considered After Surgical Intervention for Undescended Testis?
Performed using general anesthesia undescended testicle treatment Afterwards, the patient is discharged on the same day. After the patient is discharged, the medications and painkillers given to the patient are used, and daily dressing is applied without interruption for 1 week. Generally, the patient is not recommended to take a bath for 1 week. After the surgery, the patient should come for medical examination at the intervals specified by the doctor.
Does undescended testicle heal spontaneously?
In male babies whose testicles have not descended, the process of testicle descent into the scrotum continues in some cases. For these reasons, babies need to be monitored. If it is determined that the testicles have descended as a result of follow-up, no treatment is required. However, if the descent of the testicles into the bags is not detected, surgical operations are performed on babies between the ages of 6 months and 1 year.
Frequently Asked Questions About Undescended Testicles
Questions frequently asked by parents about undescended testicles (cryptorchidism):
At what age can undescended testicles be operated on?
The ideal age range for the treatment of the disease is seen as 6 - 12 months. If the baby's testicles have not descended within this period, intervention must be made without delay. Serious disorders may occur in cases of undescended testicles after the age of 1-2 if the disease is not treated. For this reason, the patient should undergo surgical intervention between 6 and 12 months. Since the success rate of hormone treatments is low, surgical intervention is generally preferred.
When Should Testicles Descend?
The testicles, which are in the abdomen before birth, descend into the scrotum at 32-36 weeks of pregnancy. However, in some cases, the testicles may not descend into the bags for various reasons. If the baby's testicles cannot be palpated in their normal place, cryptorchidism has occurred.
Until How Many Months Should Undescended Testicular Treatment Be Done?
Early diagnosis and timely application of treatment are very important in the treatment of the disease. In some babies, the descent of the testicles may take up to the first 6 months after birth. Therefore, intervention should be done within 6 months to 1 year. It should not be late for treatment. Treatment must be completed at the age of 2 at the latest.
Which Department Should You Go to for Undescended Testicles?
Parents of many babies with cryptorchidism, that is, undescended testicle disease, wonder which polyclinic they should go to for treatment. For the diagnosis and treatment of undescended testicular disease, urologists who are experts in their field should be preferred.
How is Testicular Examination Done?
Both testicles should be examined by the patient at regular intervals. Manual examination should be done to see if there are any irregularities, swelling or protrusions on the testicular surface. If any different condition of the testicle is noticed, a physician should be consulted.
Can undescended testicles be seen on ultrasound?
If the testicles do not descend during birth, the testicles cannot be detected during the examination of the baby. It is very important to locate the testicles and understand whether they are formed or not. For this reason, doctors use methods such as ultrasound, MRI and even laparoscopy to detect non-palpable testicles.
Is Undescended Testis Genetic?
The absence of testicles in the scrotum in boys occurs for various reasons. Hormonal disorders and genetic factors may be among the factors affecting the development of cryptorchidism.
How Long Does Testicular Reduction Surgery Take?
The surgery performed on patients with undescended testicles generally takes 30 minutes. The patient is discharged 3-4 hours after the surgery if the physician deems it appropriate.